The Little Help Book is a collaborative led by White Bird Clinic with the goal of networking multiple resource directories so that when information in one database is updated by a provider, the updates go to all the members of the network. This is a public information network for human and social services in Lane County, Oregon.
We'd like to expand the listings of social services for all of Lane County and your help with this is welcome. If we are missing a service, please email All observations and suggestions for how to improve the resource directory are appreciated. And we put together the form here with entry fields to help identify some information we hope to include.
For those with experience working with vulnerable populations, help is needed researching how to improve the ease of navigation and access to services for people-in-need. As a Code for America brigade, this is an opportunity for us to learn and practice qualitative research and draw from our organization's expertise. If you enjoy collaboration and creativity, problem definition and solution-seeking, we'd love to have you on the team. Learn more at our README and join the proj-little-help-book channel on the EugeneTech Slack workspace.
You can contribute as a backer or sponsor at our Open Eugene collective page.
Thank yous
For the first version of the print Little Help Book, every service included there contributed their information thanks to the following folks and organizations: Steve Kimes, Eric Luuvas, Brynn Grossman, Eugene Mennonite Church, Diane Kimes, Heather Sielicki, Lane County Human Services, Community Supported Shelters, City of Eugene, Sponsors, Inc., Eugene Mennonite, and HIV Alliance. Special thank you to Alicia Jones at The Child Center, and for our partners in the creation of the online directory: White Bird Clinic, New Avenues for Youth, Open Eugene, MVP Studio, Dark Matter Consulting, and Open Referral.
This site is a work in progress collaboration. Please share with us any errors or omissions as well as ideas for making this better. Thank you!